Bancor Smart Tokens Provide Solution to The Issue of Liquidity 394

There are many facets to the notion of liquidity. Liquidity may be defined as the ability to convert an asset into cash readily on demand. If this definition seems myopic, you can see it as an asset that can be sold or bought at its fair price. Therefore, liquidity signifies that there are no premiums or discounts attached to an asset when selling or buying it. This makes it easy to enter and exit the asset at will.

For any tradable asset, liquidity is paramount. Liquid markets are smoother and deeper when compared to illiquid markets, which can put traders in a place from which it may be difficult to navigate out. For instance, Bitcoin has experienced significant growth within nine years of its existence. In 2009, there were only 50 Bitcoins but today, there are over 13,000,000 bitcoins in circulation. Virtual currencies or cryptocurrencies have witnessed waves of illiquidity. What are the factors that influence liquidity?

  • Exchanges: The increasing number of cryptocurrency exchanges has provided opportunities for more individuals to trade in cryptocurrency. The increase in volume and frequency of trading has contributed to enhancing liquidity.
  • Acceptance: The acceptance of cryptocurrencies at online shops, brick and mortar stores, bookings, etc. has contributed to its usability while reducing its volatility. Coins become more liquid when frequently used as a means of payment.
  • Regulations: Both direct and indirect regulations have played a crucial role. The position of cryptocurrency in each country is different – banned in certain areas, allowed in others, while in dispute elsewhere. Because of the increasing presence of cryptocurrency in the form of exchanges, ATMs, casinos, transactions in shops, financings, etc. these clarified regulations will continue to influence liquidity.
  • Awareness: Many people are practically unaware of what cryptocurrency is all about and how it works. In the midst of these are prospective investors, buyers, and traders of digital coins. Lack of clear guidelines by relevant authorities and limited knowledge has limited engagement to devotees to this moment, but as this changes, so will liquidity via increased volume and acceptance.

Then, How can one technically solve the issue of liquidity facing cryptocurrency? Below we will explore a solution provided by Bancor for addressing the challenges of liquidity faced by cryptocurrencies, conventional tokens, and community currencies. According to Bancor, the issue of liquidity can be addressed through the use of Smart Tokens, by programming tokens to be autonomously convertible for other tokens within the same network. This is achieved through the use of Connectors, which are modules in a token’s smart contract that hold balances of other tokens they are connected to.

What is the Bancor Protocol Smart Token all about?

Let’s begin with the Bancor Protocol which is the standard for what Bancor calls Smart Tokens. The method is as follows: A Smart Token is programmed with one or more connectors, which are modules in their smart contracts. Each connector holds a balance of another connected, the connected token, which can be deposited by the Smart Token creator. These balances are used by the Bancor Formula to calculate the exact price of a Smart Token in any of its connected tokens. The Smart Token can be bought and sold by depositing or withdrawing the calculated amount from its connector balances. For example, if a Smart Token has one connector which holds a balance of Ethereum, that Smart Token can be bought by sending Ethereum to the Smart Token’s contract, or sold by sending Smart Tokens back to the contract and receiving the corresponding amount of Ethereum in return.

If you haven’t heard of smart contracts, these are computer programs which run on the blockchain, meaning they are unchangeable as long as the underlying blockchain is operational. In the case of tokens, smart contracts allow for the programming of certain features, issuing policies and other attributes, directly into the token’s governing software. Bancor uses this ability to program Smart Tokens to buy and sell themselves from users, in exchange for any of their connected tokens, at an algorithmically calculated rate according to the open-source Bancor Formula. This allows Smart Tokens to be plugged into a network architecture, and continuously liquid to every other token in the network, according to a mathematical price which balances buy and sell volumes in the network (more on the formula below.)

The Bancor Protocol recommends a new solution to the issue of liquidity for cryptocurrencies by using an asynchronous price-discovery model, which is enabled by these balances holding Smart Tokens. The most unique characteristic of this solution is the fact that you can buy or sell Smart Tokens anytime, directly through their smart contracts (Bancor also offers a simple Web App user interface) without the need for an exchange or even matching buyers and sellers, as has been the case for decades. Does this sound like crypto magic to you? Let’s explain how it works.

  • Firstly it’s important to understand that Smart Tokens are money that themselves hold money, in their connector balances. What this means is that the smart contract that operates the Smart Token owns a minimum of one other token balance. This is the Smart Token’s initial liquidity “plug in” to the network, and from where the Smart Token can withdraw other tokens to sellers, and collect other tokens from buyers.
  • Secondly, the supply of a Smart Token can be dynamic, and handled by its smart contract directly. When a Smart Token is purchased by sending one of its connected tokens to the smart contract, these tokens are added to the connector balance and new Smart Token units are created and sent to the buyer. This means that a Smart Token’s supply is growing as demand for it is growing. Thankfully, so is its connector balance, so as you’ll see below, its price is also increasing. This means that increased supply does not mean inflation or dilution for Smart Token holders, since price is a factor of demand, not constrained by a traditional fixed supply. Similarly, when a Smart Token is sold, it is simply sent back to its smart contract, which withdraws the corresponding amount of connected tokens from the connector balance and returns them to the seller, and the sold Smart Token units are destroyed and removed from circulation. Price however, is still decreasing, thanks to the Bancor Formula which takes this decreased connector balance into account. You can liken this mechanism to when tokens are issued by initial coin offering smart contracts in exchange for other tokens like Ether.
  • Thirdly, is the realization that Smart Tokens calculate their own prices vis-a-vis other tokens they are connected to. This is according to the Bancor Formula which holds the ratio constant between a Smart Token’s total market cap, and its connector balance. As buys and sells add and subtract tokens from the connector balances, the price of a Smart Token will fluctuate to keep this ratio, configured by a Smart Token’s creator (and called the weight), constant. This ensures that buy and sell volumes strive for equilibrium, as a Smart Token’s price is rising when it is being bought, and falling when it is beind sold. Just as you’d expect with supply and demand principles, only here the supply can adapt to the demand, and price is calculated as a mathematical function between the Smart Token and its real-time connector balances. .

One may be thinking if all of this functionality is required, given the fact that price discovery and liquidity is already obtained via trading activity in traditional exchanges. Is there a reason for a different solution? The answer to this question is yes. This is because exchanges can be seen as “matchmakers” between individuals or parties with different wants. A particular trade comprises of two opposing transactions, one where each party is selling what the other party wants to buy. The situation where a particular party needs to find another party with opposite wants is the sole reason why currencies and other assets face liquidity risk. With this constraint, it is impossible for smaller scale currencies, such as loyalty points, community currencies, and other relevant credits, as examples, to become consistently liquid.

Additionally, people who provide liquidity such as market makers and traders are logically looking for ways to take full advantage of profits. This connotes that liquidity comes at a price or cost with the current exchange solution, allocating value to middlemen. This is why BancorSmart Tokens are unique, allowing currencies to enjoy automated and continuous liquidity, and with no added fees. The contribution or partaking of market makers and traders in their convertability isn’t compulsory, but optional for both parties. In fact, Smart Tokens may be regarded as a token with a built-in not-for-profit automated market maker for itself, being operated by its open-source smart contract.

A Bit About the Bancor Token Generation

This decentralized liquidity network Blockchain project raised approximately $153 million in Ether within three hours. Bancor was one of the most successful token launches of 2017. The token generation event took place on June 12, 2017, attracting more than 390,000 contributions in Ether, a world record in the market at the time.

Bancor’s BNT is the Bancor Network Token. According to the company, in the next two years, there will be a host of new features available to Smart Tokens, including security upgrades such as delegated account recovery, the ability to purchase them with a credit card, enabling communities without a token to easily create one without technical knowledge, and moving to a fully decentralized backend and front-end architecture, as well as taking the liquidity network completely cross-blockchain. Finally, we will see the launch of Bancor Grants, helping local communities build capacity towards launching and maintaining a local Smart Token for their economy or network, and subsidizing the BNT needed for qualifying communities to connect to the Bancor Network (via their Smart Token’s connector balance, which will be held in BNT.) Since launch, Bancor has activated their token, launched and activated Relay Tokens for over 20 ERC20 tokens which are now convertible via the Bancor Network, launched their Web App on desktop and mobile, and deployed a portable widget to enable users to convert Smart Token’s from anywhere on the Internet. This attribute alone safeguards users and enables them to convert their tokens remotely and in a decentralized fashion.

BNT holds Ether (ETH) as its connected token, making it possible to convert any token within the Bancor Network into ETH, instantaneously and without the need for matching buyers and sellers. This is groundbreaking in the blockchain world, with Bancor pioneering an autonomous technology that a technical solution for instant liquidity and eventually also the instant creation of intrinsically liquid cryptocurrencies.

What are the Benefits of Bancor Smart Tokens?

Smart Tokens bring about several benefits when compared to the traditional token model, which include:

  • No Extra Fees: Unlike the traditional token and exchange models, the only compulsory fee that is paid for converting Smart Tokens is the blockchain platform fee, which in the case of Ethereum is known as gas.
  • Continuous Liquidity: Because selling and buying are carried out through smart contracts, you can always convert Smart Tokens from/to their connected tokens, regardless of the volume of trading done.
  • Foreseeable Price Changes: The Bancor Smart Token allows for the pre-calculation of price changes according to transaction size, since each transaction itself will result in a change to the current price by adding to or subtracting from connector balances. This price predictability leads to relatively more stable prices.
  • No Spread: The same price is calculated for buying and selling Smart Tokens since the calculation of these prices is done formulaically by the non-profit smart contract, not by other buyer and seller offers, traditionally known as an order book.

In Conclusion

Bancor has discovered a way out of the historic challenge of liquidity without needing a counterparty to buy or sell a token. This is attainable through a smart contract, currently on the Ethereum network, which keeps a balance in another connected token at all times, and uses a simple formula to continuously recalculate the exact rate at which a Smart Token is convertible for any of its connected tokens, and as such, for any other token in the network. This innovation replaces traditional labor-based solutions, in the form of market makers and exchanges, both for-profit actors, with a technical solution, in the form of a non-profit smart contract that will always buy and sell Smart Tokens thanks to their built-in liquidity mechanism. This autonomous solution could offer a step-function improvement in efficiency, decentralization, accessibility, transparency, and stability for the emerging cryptocurrency economy – if Bancor can pull it off


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Vircrum – Where Ideas Take Flight: Your All-in-One AI Solution for Transforming Text to Image, Voice, and Video 5867

Vircrum revolutionizes content creation, translation, and summarization, empowers visual storytelling and data visualization, enhances accessibility and language learning, and amplifies content marketing and educational efforts.

$VCRM Fairlaunch Details:

  • Fairlaunch on Pinksale starts from:- 12:00 UTC 15/04/2024 
  • Buy here:
  • Contract address – J4LKD1TwqZPJMC4FT3ZMikFZE9T4pwYA9MXyhNvd6jcY 
  • View MEOWWIF contract on solscan :-

Vision: Empowering individuals and businesses to unlock their full potential through seamless integration of advanced AI technologies.

Mission: At Vircrum, our mission is to revolutionize the way people interact with technology by developing cutting-edge AI solutions that simplify tasks, enhance productivity, and enrich lives. We strive to create a future where AI seamlessly integrates into everyday life, empowering users to achieve more while fostering innovation and positive change across industries. Through relentless innovation, ethical practices, and a commitment to excellence, we aim to be at the forefront of the AI revolution, driving forward progress and shaping a brighter, more connected world.

Pool Info

  • Toatal supply :- 1,000,000 (VCRM) 
  • Tokens For Presale:- 400,000 (VCRM) 
  • Tokens For Liquidity: 193,800 (VCRM) 
  • SoftCap: 20 SOL 
  • Duration: 15th to 18th April (20:00 UTC) 
  • Listing On: Raydium AMM V4 
  • Liquidity Percent: 51% 
  • Liquidity Lockup Time: 365 days after pool ends

Official website:-

0G Launches Newton Testnet of Ultra-Scalable Modular AI Blockchain 5808

0G Labs is pleased to unveil the launch of the testnet for 0G, the modular ultra-high data throughput blockchain optimized for on-chain AI. The network is now available for node operators, developers and the community to join and provide feedback for an upcoming mainnet launch in Q3 2024.

0G, or ZeroGravity, is a modular blockchain that aims to alleviate the major pain points of using blockchain for AI, where data and execution requirements outweigh the current market offering by several orders of magnitude. The modular architecture enables 0G to offer a lean and performant network, unencumbered by legacy consensus algorithms, unrelated use cases sharing the same block space, as well as on-demand scaling.

Demand for on-chain AI is growing due to its promise of offering reliable and credibly neutral training and execution of neural networks. According to a report by KPMG, the vast majority of global corporate executives see AI as one of the fundamental technology breakthroughs that will impact their business in the near future. However, adoption risks abound — including potential intellectual property issues, personal data sharing, lack of regulatory frameworks and biases in generative AI models.

Via immutable and verifiable storage and execution environments, blockchains offer a promising solution to address the many challenges of AI. By making AI workflow decentralized, it democratizes the technology and makes it accessible to more people and organizations. By distributing data across multiple nodes rather than centralizing it in a single location, decentralized AI can help protect sensitive information from hacks and breaches. It also enables fair distribution of rewards to the contributors in the entire workflow, e.g., to data, model, and computation power providers, respectively. The distributed ledger and cryptographic technologies can further give more transparent ways to track the AI generated data to help people distinguish between the authentic original data and deepfakes. In addition, blockchains can help achieve a balanced approach to manual interventions in the models’ results, which sometimes can miss the mark.

Existing infrastructure solutions are still insufficient for massive on-chain AI adoption, which is why 0G is building the next-generation blockchain infrastructure for AI. With benchmarks of over 50 Gpbs data throughput, compared to existing rates of 1.5 Mbps on Ethereum-based scaling solutions, 0G offers an incredible improvement in its baseline form, while the modular architecture promises potentially infinite scalability down the line.

“The public launch of our testnet marks the first stage of bringing AI on-chain, which will combine two of the most exciting technologies that emerged in the past decade,” said Michael Heinrich, CEO of 0G Labs. “Our team has worked diligently over the past months to deliver our vision of the ultra-scalable modular blockchain, and we’re really excited to see the feedback from the community of users and developers.”

The 0G testnet launch comes shortly after 0G Labs closed its $35M pre-seed round, which was originally intended to collect $5M to bring an MVP of the idea to market. The round, led by Hack VC, saw participation from many influential investors primarily in the Web3 space, including Bankless, Polygon, Delphi Digital, TRGC, Dao5, Symbolic, BlockChain Builders Fund, Dispersion, Daedalus, Gumi Cryptos and many more venture funds and angel investors.

About 0G

0G, or ZeroGravity, is a leading Web3 infrastructure provider that is building the leading modular AI blockchain creating solutions to implement on-chain AI applications in the Web3 ecosystem. The platform achieves high data availability through its unique architecture separating data storage and data publishing. By ensuring throughputs of 50 GB/second, a full 50,000x faster than competitors, and a cost that is 100x lower, 0G has positioned itself as a leader in bringing high data use cases, such as scalable L2s and modular AI, into the Web3 ecosystem.

Tanuki Announces “Cheeky” Memecoin Launchpad on Solana and Live Token Presale 5901

Tanuki launched recently on Solana, aiming to “redefine the meme game and bring unprecedented joy to the community” through the Tanuki Launchpad supporting reliable memecoin projects. The platform’s native token, $TANUPAD, is now available for presale.

The project has a laidback approach to the crypto cosmos, promoting fairness and transparency for all while communicating in a humorous, “cheeky” tone. Its mission is to empower genuine meme projects and accelerate innovation in the blockchain space via the $TANUPAD token, available in a total supply of 2 billion tokens.

One of the platform’s standout features is the Tanuki Launchpad, supporting the most used blockchains, including Solana, Ethereum, BNB, Avalanche, Arbitrum, SEI, SUI, Cardano, and Metis. By fully embracing network diversity, the launchpad can support numerous projects during their first steps into the cryptosphere and showcase their potential to a broader audience.

The $TANUPAD token fuels the growing Tanuki ecosystem and provides holders with numerous benefits. For example, holding $TANUPAD gives governance influence and a say in the project’s evolution. Moreover, holders can access potential earning opportunities by staking and farming their tokens and exploring the many lucrative opportunities on the launchpad. The platform does not impose KYC for token holders participating in IDOs, allowing for greater investor diversity.

No less than 45% of the 2 billion $TANUPAD tokens are available for the presale, which is now live. The token is listed on major exchanges, including, Raydium, MEXC Global, LBANK, and HTX.

Tanuki’s commitment to complete decentralization is visible in its smart contract code, which was stripped of all minting and freezing features. This means the owner relinquishes all control and guarantees a fair and transparent use for all participants.

Another feature that sets Tanuki apart from numerous memecoin projects is its setup system, which controls participation in launchpads and prevents possible dumps. Additionally, the platform protects project launches from potential rug pulls through advanced safety systems. These security measures distinguish Tanuki as a reliable launchpad for projects that are not counterfeit or deceptive.

About Tanuki

Tanuki launched in 2024 with the goal of becoming a beacon of transparency and trustworthiness among memecoin project launchpads. To this end, it commits to fostering an inclusive and collaborative ecosystem that enables projects to raise funds, connect with investors, and gain widespread adoption across multiple blockchain networks.

The project benefits from an expert team of professionals building its path toward global visibility and use. One of their objectives is to establish a robust and loyal community and engage with it via social media channels, such as X (Twitter) and Telegram.

Following the ongoing presale, Tanuki will seek to obtain more listings on decentralized and centralized exchanges, introduce the staking platform, and integrate SUI and SEI networks with its launchpad. Future plans include the launch of its proprietary DEX, Tanuki Launchpad Swap.

So far, Tanuki has successfully passed an audit with SolidProof, one of the industry’s top auditors.

Waterfall Network Launches New Desktop App for Windows and macOS 5907

Waterfall Network, the decentralized and scalable ledger, today announced the release of a new desktop app for Windows and macOS that now allows almost anyone to easily set up their own node on the blockchain. With one-click setup, users only need to download and open the app, their Metamask (or any EVM) wallet, and they will have a full node running in sync with Waterfall Network.

Once users are connected, they can activate the node to receive stake amounts and rewards, view network status and connected peers, manage block producers on the node by creating or removing them, check balances, use external SSD drives as a data storage device, and customize other node settings.

“Supporting the Waterfall Network is now simpler than ever,” said Sergii Grybniak, Blue Wave CTO and Waterfall Head of Research. “This is not only an easy way for even novices to participate in the benefits of a blockchain, but this will also open up Waterfall node participation to a whole new class of user that will prove vital to building Waterfall before we publicly launch the mainnet.”

The Waterfall Network continues to streamline and expand its scale in anticipation of the launch of its mainnet. The Waterfall Network protocol has been optimized to achieve loads of 10,000+ transactions per second, with other optimizations and improvements, including faster synchronizations in parallel, improved search for new peers, automatically unlocked validators, improved reliability in optimistic consensus, randomness creation, new transaction gas estimates, and storage optimization. Waterfall is also continuing to develop and implement fast synchronization, simpler mnemonic phrase mechanisms, and reduced consumption of disk space.

The Waterfall Network protocol is Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible, serving the huge existing Ethereum developer base without having to learn new programming languages. Its protocol incorporates an innovative “Directed AcyclicGraph (DAG)” technology that allows for virtually unlimited scalability and portability of decentralized applications (dAPPs) with low processing power requirements that allow anyone to run a validator node from even low-cost laptops and mobile phones.

To download the new Waterfall Network desktop app or for more information, please visit

About Waterfall Network

Waterfall is a versatile layer one (L1) smart contract platform that solves the “blockchain trilemma” of security, scalability and decentralization while offering the first truly decentralized governance platform. Waterfall’s unique approach utilizing what is called a “Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)” achieves this by allowing anyone to run a validator node from any device, including low-cost laptops and in the future mobile phones. Waterfall is Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible, serving the huge existing Ethereum developer base without having to learn new programming languages. Waterfall utilizes a “one person one vote” system in which money can’t buy power. It is connected via two-way bridges to other popular protocols including Ethereum, BSC, and more to come.

Waterfall is the leading layer one (L1) architecture to combine scalability and decentralization, all while offering a truly decentralized governance platform. Waterfall’s Directed Acyclic Graph (“DAG”) achieves and allows it to run a validator node from any device, including low cost laptops and in the future mobile phones. Waterfall utilizes Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing for portability of decentralized applications (dAPPs), and has very low hardware requirements for the participants to become validators.

CUDOS to tokenize assets on the Moon with 2024 Copernic Space Mission 6713

In a move that marries blockchain technology with lunar exploration, CUDOS is thrilled to announce its participation in the 2024 Moon Mission, spearheaded by Copernic Space. This marks a significant milestone for CUDOS and the future of the space economy and blockchain technology.

CUDOS has been at the forefront of leveraging blockchain for innovative uses for years. Now, it’s taking a giant leap – quite literally – by sending the Mainnet genesis file to the moon. This file, encapsulating the initial state and configuration of the CUDOS chain, symbolizes the boundless potential of blockchain technology beyond Earth.

A Monumental Leap for Blockchain

The Copernic Space 2024 Moon Mission and related lunar asset initiative, which features other leading players from various industries such as Axiom Space, Flash Motors, and SophiaVerse AI, signifies a bold step into the future of blockchain-based space commerce. CUDOS’s Mainnet genesis file will be part of the payload, destined for a volcanic feature on the moon known as Mons Latreille.

Tokenization Beyond Earth

CUDOS will send this code to the moon and transform this celestial endeavor into a unique digital asset, creating a one-of-a-kind NFT representing the Mainnet genesis file on the moon. This NFT will symbolize ownership and mark a pioneering moment in the tokenization of lunar assets. This lunar asset will be tokenized according to the industry standard Copernic Space has created over the past two years with various lunar companies. The forthcoming giveaway of this NFT offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for participants to own a piece of blockchain history and one of the first verified lunar assets.

Mission Details

  • Launch Date: Set for Q3-Q4 2024.
  • Destination: The moon, targeting the volcanic area near Mons Latreille.
  • The Journey: Embarking aboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket with the CUDOS genesis file securely housed within the LifeShip capsule on the Firefly Ghost One lunar lander.
  • Tokenization: This mission transcends traditional asset tokenization, turning the CUDOS Mainnet genesis file into a tradable real-world space asset as an NFT.
  • The Medium: There will be a Copernic Space event with select partners at the SpaceX Rocket launch, a live stream watch party for the landing, and a Twitter space for the launch.

A New Era of Space Economy

This groundbreaking collaboration between CUDOS and Copernic Space heralds a new era of innovation at the intersection of blockchain technology and space exploration. The mission exemplifies blockchain’s boundless potential to drive space exploration and ownership innovation.


CUDOS is a leader in blockchain and cloud computing solutions, dedicated to pioneering sustainable and decentralized technology. With a focus on innovation and community, CUDOS empowers technological progress, making strides in blockchain and cloud computing while championing sustainability.

For further information about CUDOS and the 2024 Moon Mission, visit

About Copernic Space

Copernic Space is a pioneering platform and marketplace, bridging the gap between the Earth and space by tokenizing celestial assets. Our innovative approach democratizes space commerce and investments, offering a transparent and efficient marketplace for individuals and organizations to access and trade space assets globally.

TRALA LAB Commits to zkSync to Revolutionize and Advance Global Gaming Industry 7154

TRALA LAB aims to leverage zkSync to accelerate new gaming era for millions of players

TRALA LAB has announced a strategic commitment to build on zkSync, a cutting-edge zero-knowledge (ZK) technology. TRALA LAB is a subsidiary of Joycity that has gained significant popularity in the global gaming market with blockbuster releases such as ‘Gunship Battle’ and ‘Freestyle’.

TRALA LAB has also entered into a collaboration with Matter Labs. Through the collaboration, TRALA LAB intends to leverage its comprehensive technical expertise and development support to publish a diverse range of AAA games on zkSync. Furthermore, the strategic collaboration between TRALA LAB and Matter Labs marks a significant step towards driving innovation and addressing key challenges in the global gaming market.

TRALA LAB is dedicated to revolutionizing the gaming landscape by addressing critical issues such as the lack of quality game content. With a focus on building long-term sustainable gaming platforms, TRALA LAB is set to onboard a range of AAA global game IPs, including highly successful titles like the Gunship Battle mobile game and the online sports game Freestyle, which recorded cumulative downloads of 150 million and 160 million respectively, across the world.

TRALA LAB aims to set new standards for quality game content while leveraging its established global marketing channels spanning 249 countries to introduce a new wave to the world stage. In addition to onboarding TRALA LAB’s games into the zkSync ecosystem, the strategic collaboration will involve collaborative efforts on the launch of TRALA’s gaming platform, utilizing the ZK Stack.

Rich Kim, Head of Web3 Entertainment and Media at Matter Labs, stated, “Joycity already has a proven record of being a successful global gaming company and owns numerous successful IPs. We are excited to see a variety of AAA games enter the zkSync ecosystem through TRALA in the future, and we also look forward to stimulating zkSync’s gaming ecosystem.”

TRALA LAB BD director Ivan Chung stated, “This collaboration with Matter Labs marks the first step in pioneering new avenues in the global gaming market, and we have high expectations for the synergy between TRALA LAB and Matter Labs. We are very pleased and excited to be able to contribute to the zkSync ecosystem through our games. Please keep an eye on us.”
About Trala

Trala Lab is an all-in-one blockchain gaming platform that aims to revolutionize the game industry by creating a simple and fun gaming experience. It provides an immersive and engaging environment for users to play, compete and interact with one another.